View Profile MichaelOlson

Joined on 9/8/14

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New Artist- new original content

Posted by MichaelOlson - September 8th, 2014

Hello everyone. I am new here as of September 8th 2014. I am an illustrator-storyteller-filmaker and I would be pleased if you were to check out some of my work at my web page www.kiltercom.com. It's free...



I understand that you didn't like my review, I will also take into account that you don't know how to listen and respect other people's opinions even if the grade for your animations is of a "satisfactory" level, good luck with your new projects and in getting good grades for them. ;-)

Respecting other peoples opinions and respecting some dumb critic who's very first words are HORRIBLE are two different things. The fact that you even say "good grades" says everything about you - you pre schooler. The fact that you took your review away giving it a "satisfactory" rating says that YOU are the one that can't handle a true criticism. You are a troll. And a sad little troll who's probably never made a thing in their sad little life. Now go a way.

@MichaelOlson Still, I wish you luck, I changed my stars because of your really stupid and rude response (if it was something really welcoming I would even increase it, I have a habit of doing this), keep it up and you will definitely become a loved artist by many people, and again good luck! ;-) (I went back to analyze my evaluation, in none of my words did I say that your video was horrible, I said that it was strange, stop being a whiner and read carefully other people's future reviews)

The portuguese translation said HORRIBLE. I really don't give a crap what your excuse is, or what your review is. As for this "if it was something really welcoming I would even increase it, I have a habit of doing this)", this only proves your reactions are subjective to how to feel about yourself, and how others make you feel about yourself. They are not true to the art. More proof that you should be reviewing no ones work. And if you want people to read carefully what you write, write it in english. Or make sure you have a proper translation. Now go away.